HESPERIA Kickoff Meeting will be hosted by the National Observatory of Athens and it will take place in Athens 21-22 May, 2015. The organization of the meeting is undertaken by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and the Heliophysics Research Group.
The Meeting will take place at the Athens University History Museum of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The Athens University History Museum is located in the heart of Athens city, in Plaka area, on the northern side of Acropolis. The Museum is located in the historical building of 'Cleanthis Residence', also known as 'The Old University' where the first University of the Greek Independent State operated during the period of 1837 to 1841.
The address of the Athens University History Museum is: Tholou Str, 5, Plaka, P.C. 105 56, Athens Greece.
Useful information on transport and accommodation have been uploaded here. You will find info on recommended hotels, general information about the center of Athens and transport information.